Privacy Policy

About US

Our Address is:


When visitors leave a comment we collect the data in teh comment form, in addition to the ip address of the user and the user agent string of the browser to help us fight spam

An anonimized string created form your email address ( also knowed as hash) can be given to the Gravatar service to verify if you are using it. Gravatar provacy policy is available here:


Our Cookie Policy

Content from other websites

Articles on this website may include content form other websites (such as videos, images, etc).

The websites this contents are form may collect data in you, use cookie, use third parties tracking services and monitor your interaction on these contents, especially if you have an account or you aew connected to that website.

Who we share your data with

If you ask for a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

For how long we collect your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its meta data will be collected indefinetly. This let us recognize and authomatically approve any future comment, instead of waiting for moderation.

For those who register on our site, we collect their personal informations they enter in their user profile. All users can see, edit or erase their personal info anytime (apart from the username). Also site admins can see and edit these informations.

Which are your rights on your data?

If you have an account on this website or have you left any comment, you can request an exported file of your datas. You can also ask us to delete all your datas, excluding the ones we are obliged to leep for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Where do we send your data?

Comments from visitors may be checked throught an authomatic spam service.